
As a Non Profit Organization your existence is based on teamwork, individual sacrifice and striving for a common goal. What better example is there of those traits than athletics at The University of Michigan? By joining the Sodexo team of NPO groups that service all of the UM athletic venues you will not only be an integral part of that community but earn a consistent source of revenue for your cause. Working at the Big House, Crisler and Yost can be a thrilling experience and monetarily rewarding as well. Let us help you in your mission.


Non-Profit organizations earn money by working in concession stands at University of Michigan athletic events. In return for your work, you can earn a commission, based on the sales of your stand.

Dollars and Cents

Average earnings vary depending on the event worked and the number of required volunteers.

  • Highest earning stand | 20-25 volunteers and over $1,600 average commission per game
  • Mid-size stand | 12-15 volunteers and over $600 average commission per game
  • Portable stand | 5-8 volunteers and over $450 average commission per game


Volunteers are expected to arrive on time and in the proper attire. Excellent customer service is required. Volunteers must be 14 years of age or older and there should be a 4:1 ratio of minors (under 18) to adults (over 18) at all times. Groups should assign 1-2 stand "leads" over the age of 18 to be responsible for inventory tracking and cash management. Everyone must arrive ready to work hard and have fun! 

Case Study

Under the auspices of the John Glenn Music 501(c)(3) organization John Glenn Music students and parents run a concession stand at all University of Michigan home football games and other select events. This is the biggest fundraiser they run all year. Their stand is one the busiest in the stadium and typically sells between $16,000 - $18,000 in hot dogs, bratwurst, pretzels, nachos, popped maize, candy, and soft drinks.

The group receives 9.5% of net sales. 50% of the earnings is donated to the John Glenn Music Program and the other 50% is divided equally among those who worked and donated to their student's music account. Funds in the music account can be used by the student for things such as band camp, instrument rental & repair, banquet ticket, and out-of-state travel.

For More Information Contact:

Jenny Fordyce
Community Manager
Sodexo at the University of Michigan
email: sodexonpo@umich.edu
phone: (734) 645-6411